Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Heart Macarons

I Heart macarons!!!

Ever since I started my research on them ages ago, I never stop drooling over them!!
Though the base ( ground almond) are pretty much the same, the fillings in them can be versatile and filled with surprises. These little gems are not difficult to make, all you need are a pinch of patience and voila!!! You will get those macarons with pretty frilly skirts as treats for your love ones.
Once, I have baked sooo much macarons in a day that I have lost count of the trays that went in and out of the oven and all of them are wiped out within secs, Thank god that I have " secretly" kept a few of those frilly gems in my box where I can enjoy it in my own cosy corner of the room haha. And the next day, I baked more for myself again, they are really addictive!!!

You can piped them in various shapes too!! I love Hearts and I did those for my love ones
Can you Spot those pretty frilly skirts???